Nitro pro 9 18 digit serial number
Nitro pro 9 18 digit serial number

Manufacturer Identification Code (MIC) and Hull Serial Number are the same as described above. Note: This was the first attempt to create the HIN… and parts of it are a bit confusing.

nitro pro 9 18 digit serial number

For boats built between Novemand July 31, 1984 Example: 1234(5)E516, would have been made in May 2015. An abbreviated HIN of 4-5 numbers, followed by a letter denoting month of manufacture, and three numbers representing the year of manufacture and model year, as described above, may be attached to the tubes. Note: Cataraft tubes are not considered to be a boat, until they are married with a frame. In our example, J3 designates that the boat was built in October 2013. Since there’s only one digit, it must be interpreted by the Model Year. The number is the last digit of the year of manufacture. The letter is for the month of manufacture: They are normally numbers, but letters (except I, O and Q) may also be used.

nitro pro 9 18 digit serial number

These five characters are assigned by the manufacturer. Entering the MIC into this US Coast Guard database will get you the manufacturer and their location.

Nitro pro 9 18 digit serial number