Wic approved foods georgia
Wic approved foods georgia

wic approved foods georgia

Parents join Coordinator Tamra Allen in the kitchen at the Emanuel County Early Learning Center to cook a wholesome meal and then take the ingredients home to recreate the dish. This is the intention behind Emanuel County Family Connection’s cooking classes-just one initiative through their work in Georgia Family Connection Partnership’s (GaFCP) WIC Matters Cohort, which helps ensure that eligible women are informed about, enroll in, and actively use WIC’s resources.

wic approved foods georgia

When parents learn how to prepare nutritious meals using Women, Infants and Children (WIC)-approved items, they’re more likely to use the program’s food vouchers and put healthy meals on the table. Emanuel County Family Connection Coordinator Tamra Allen (center) shows Early Head Start parents (Dacia, Sky, Whitney, Allyson, Keona, and Jasmine) how to make squash parmesan rounds.

Wic approved foods georgia